
Micro-Workshops to Generate Results-Producing Actions

Big goals require
bold and swift actions!

How do you come up with the ‘right’ ones?

Act2Fact Micro-Workshops are

short, powerful classes

led by senior coaches

designed to generate

results-producing actions!

Profile Picture Stefan Heinz

I am passionate about entrepreneurship as a way for people to fulfill their vision of their personal lives, that of their families, and that of their coworker’s families.

Act2Fact Micro-Workshops


Creating a lasting set of actions

Full refund until end of business on the day of the first session


Sustainable impact

Full refund until end of business on the day of the first session

Request for Details

Let's Meet: 60 Minute Meeting

Coaching Inquiry

We provide a free introductory 30 minute business coaching via the phone or a webcast (limited availability).

Please be as specific as possible with your information.

We reserve the right to decline any request for coaching based on the nature or circumstances of the request.
